Siva, Devi (Maa Sakti) and Visnu are the three major aspects of God presented in the Hindu pantheon during the post- Vedic period.
In this website an attempt has been made to introduce the baal roop of Lord Shiva which is called Batuk Bhairav and there various facets about him and Saivism in as simple a manner as the subject permits.
It is aimed at giving the Saivites a basic knowledge of there cult. The non-Saivites also, can-If they peruse through the website – Get at least a nodding acquaintance of the same.
We hope this website will be well-received by the Baktas of lord Siva and Batuk Bhairava.
Shri Batuk Bhairav
Om Hrim Bham Bhairavaya Namah
Siva, Devi (Maa Sakti) and Visnu - baal roop of Lord Shiva - Batuk Bhairava.
January 3rd, 2013